The grotesque on display at the annual Toronto Zombie Walk

It’s hard to even begin to estimate the number of walking dead at Toronto‘s annual Zombie Walk. At least 10,000+ brain starved zombies lurched through Toronto’s downtown core, terrifying onlookers and leaving a trail of fake blood all the way down Yonge Street. This year’s parade of the undead included horses, a marching band and aContinue reading “The grotesque on display at the annual Toronto Zombie Walk”

Zombie Walk: And you will know them by the trail of blood

They shambled, they bled, they called out for brains! The 11th annual Toronto Zombie Walk horde left a trail of blood in their wake as they walked, slowly and limply, from Nathan Phillips Square and around downtown streets to the horror of terrified onlookers. This year other monsters were welcomed into the flesh-craving masses becauseContinue reading “Zombie Walk: And you will know them by the trail of blood”

Heroes and Villains at Comic Con 2012

Superheroes and villains alike converged this weekend on the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for Wizard World Comic Con. Sci-fi, horror, anime and comic professionals and celebrities participated in what is one of North America’s largest touring expos of all things pop culture. Comic Con 2012 | NOW Magazine.